Universities must end disciplinary measures against anti-war students
July 1, 2024

The Jewish Council of Australia is concerned that students across Australia, including at Deakin University, Melbourne University, Monash University and La Trobe University, have been sent misconduct notices for their involvement in anti-war protests.

Israel has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians in Gaza in the last 9 months. Evidence continues to come to light of Israel’s use of starvation as a weapon of war. Palestinians in the West Bank are also suffering at the hands of the Israeli military and violent settlers. 

Students are right to peacefully protest these mounting atrocities and to call on their universities to end relationships with weapons companies that are enabling Israeli war crimes. 

Universities must be places where diverse perspectives can be voiced and debated openly. Attempts to silence protestors by accusing them of antisemitism or being a threat to safety are a dangerous overreach that risks stifling free speech on campus.

Sarah Schwartz, Executive Officer, Jewish Council of Australia: 

“We should be proud of all of the students, many of whom are Jewish, who have been speaking out against this unfolding genocide. The right to peaceful protest is a fundamental democratic freedom that universities should defend. Misconduct notices for peaceful protest, and anti-war, anti-racist speech should be immediately withdrawn.

The University of Sydney has taken a step in the right direction by entering into an agreement to publicly disclose defence and security research partnerships. It is ludicrous to suggest there is anything nefarious about this. All universities should be transparent with students and the public about their partnerships.”

Dr Max Kaiser, Executive Officer, Jewish Council of Australia:

“Universities must ensure they protect and encourage freedom of speech for students. Issuing misconduct notices with the aim of intimidating students is counter-productive and disappointing.

“Protests may make some students and staff uncomfortable, and even disrupt the normal functioning of universities, but that is not grounds to penalise protesting students – it is a reality of life in a democracy.”

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0493 970 412


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