Senator Henderson must explain participation in event with far-right extremist organisation
March 5, 2024

The Jewish Council of Australia expresses deep concern over Senator Sarah Henderson's scheduled participation in a zoom event with the Australian Jewish Association (AJA), an organisation with reported ties to far-right extremist elements.

Henderson is scheduled to speak at a zoom event titled ‘Education Off the Rails’ with the Australian Jewish Association on 6 March.

The Australian Jewish Association has previously held events with Pauline Hanson, and  offered to escort infamous Canadian racist Lauren Southern on a tour of Caulfield or Bondi

AJA head, Dr David Adler has also been accused of making racist comments about Lidia Thorpe and Stan Grant.

The AJA has regularly advocated for the abolition of “gender fluidity education”, which it describes as “child abuse for a Marxist social engineering agenda”.

The AJA has also hosted a number of events featuring virulently anti-Arab and openly homophobic ultranationalist Rabbi Ben Packer, a known follower of convicted terrorist Meir Kahane. 

The AJA have also hosted events or been associated with a number of extremist Israeli settler organisations such as Nachala, Regavim, Ateret Cohanim and the racist anti-miscegenation group Yad L’Achim.

Dr. Max Kaiser, Executive Officer, Jewish Council of Australia: 

“It is deeply concerning that Senator Henderson would align herself with an organisation connected to individuals with extremist views and ties to convicted terrorists. We call on Senator Henderson to provide a clear explanation for her involvement in this event.”

Dr. Elizabeth Strakosch, Executive Officer, Jewish Council of Australia:

“We believe in politicians fostering dialogue and understanding, but it is crucial to ensure that such engagements do not legitimise or provide a platform for individuals with extreme and harmful ideologies. Senator Henderson owes the public an explanation for her association with this far-right extremist organisation.”

“We are concerned that far right extremism and Islamophobia is currently being legitimised in the name of combating antisemitism. These far right groups have no real interest in fighting racism, they aim to spread hate and division. When this is endorsed by members of parliament, this contributes to the intensification of all forms of racism.”

Media contact:

 0493 970 412

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