Neo-Nazi march in Brisbane shows need for stronger efforts against racism, xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric
August 11, 2024

We are concerned about reports today of neo-Nazis from the National Socialist Network dressed in black and marching in Brisbane CBD under the white supremacist banner of ‘Free England’.

This event cannot be taken in isolation. Two weeks ago, the same group held a Trump inspired anti-immigration rally outside Federation Square in Melbourne calling for the mass deportation of immigrants.

The National Socialist Network aims to get media attention through offensive stunts. 

In Victoria, neo-Nazis have been building chapters in regional centres, are funded by the far right internationally, are fundraising to build a rural base and have been training themselves for violence. Individuals associated with neo-Nazi groups are key players in international fascist networks that operate online to spread disinformation, trolling and extreme racism. They also operate offline, recruiting increasing numbers of young men for what they imagine is a violent race war. 

The Jewish Council is deeply concerned about the rise of far-right and white supremacist ideologies, as well as all incidents of racially driven hatred.

Sarah Schwartz, Executive Officer

These acts of white supremacy are offensive and violent towards Jewish people and all racialised groups. This is terrifying to witness for many Jewish people who carry the memory of the Holocaust.

Racism and xenophobia have been normalised by right wing media outlets and conservative politicians who use dehumanising language to spread fear and anti-immigrant sentiment. These politicians and media outlets must be held to account for their role in the rise of these violent ideologies.

Dr Max Kaiser, Executive Officer

These neo-Nazis in Australia have been emboldened by the racist, Islamophobic, anti-migrant riots in the UK. All Australians should be deeply concerned that the rioters' chant ‘stop the boats’ began as a Liberal Party slogan. 

Neo-Nazis and their genocidal antisemitism breed in a soup of racism encouraged by Australian politicians and the media who regularly attempt to whip up xenophobic and anti-immigrant sentiment. 

The only way to effectively fight antisemitism is by committing to work in partnership with other groups facing bigotry and discrimination, and to fight all forms of racism and white supremacy.

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0493 970 412 

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